If you want to have a perfect smile and chewing function, you need to have perfect teeth. Human teeth can get damaged due to some environmental factors. The dentists can and help you restore the health of the teeth using dental restorative procedures. We have compiled a list of dental procedures that dentists use commonly.
Dental filling
Your teeth can decay due to surface damage. It can progress and make a hole in the center of the teeth. The dentist will fill this space with a plastic material after cleaning because it prevents further tooth decay and other dental problems.
Replacing tooth cap
In some cases, tooth damage is so severe that filling cannot repair the damage. You have to get a tooth cap replacement in this case. It is also called the dental crown replacement. The dentist will remove the top part of the teeth and place a new crown made with durable material. If you want to install the crown that is made using the best material, you should visit Avenue Sourire.
Adding missing teeth
Due to injury or other dental problems, you may lose one or more teeth. It is a big issue because your smile and chewing function is disturbed. The dentist can install one tooth using the bridges. If more teeth are damaged, the bridge option is not feasible. In this case, the dentist will make a denture for you. You have the option of installing the removable denture or dental bridges if you feel uneasy having these in your mouth while sleeping.
Teeth whitening
It is one of the most common dental restorative procedures. Everyone wants to have white teeth to get a good smile with white teeth. One way is by using the deep cleaning procedure. The dentist will remove the plaque from teeth that is responsible for the yellow color. If the plaque has damaged the crown of the teeth, you have to select the veneers to cover the teeth. These are made using plastic. The veneers can stick to the crown of your teeth.
Root canal
It is one of the most advanced procedures available in Avenue Sourire. When the dental root is damaged with the dental crown, you have to use a root canal. In this procedure, the dentist will clean the damaged tissue at the site of the dental root. He will insert a plastic material into this hole. Dentists can install the dental crown on this plastic to make perfect teeth.